Take Action

Support Governor Tom Wolf’s 2019-20 State Budget

Please e-mail your state Representative and state Senator to tell them you want a fair state budget that funds our public schools, protects jobs and protects families. Tell them you support Governor Wolf’s proposals to tax the shale drillers; raise the minimum wage; fund our schools with sustainable, long-term revenue; and make sure college is affordable. Call your lawmakers and urge them to work together to put Pennsylvania families first.

CLICK HERE to lookup contact information for your senator and representative. The most efficient way to contact your legislators is by sending them an e-mail. A few key points:

  • The most effective e-mails are those that include your information and your concerns.
  • Expect to receive a follow-up e-mail or phone call from your lawmakers or members of their staff. 
  • Be respectful and courteous in all correspondence. 
  • Be very specific in your request.

CLICK HERE to visit our Facebook Page and join the fight for a fair budget.